Christine Rauh wins Isang Yun International Competition
First Prize and Special Prize for her outstanding Isang Yun interpretation goes to Christine Rauh. Congrats!
“I’m so glad I won just this very competition; I got to know Isang Yun’s music many years ago and it drew me into its spell. My fascination continued to grow and I discovered my foible for East Asian culture. Yun joins two worlds, the Eastern tradition and the modern Western music. A highly topical subject, since just this is an essential feature of modern society: opening borders, inclusiveness and merging cultures; we would know this from many different areas of life. Yun makes this the theme of his music, and this is what inspired me from the start. I love cosmopolitanism, it creates new symbioses. That is why I also appreciate Isang Yun and am a big fan of his music. This music is deeply sustainable.”
Listen to Christine Rauh playing ‘Espace I’ by Isang Yun.
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